Friday, August 1, 2008

.::. Long Time No See .::.

Mummy just came back from Hong Kong. But she didn't buy me anything this time round. I was well taken care of though.

Just recently, Mummy let me into her room to sleep with her everynight. I used to go back to my 'room' to sleep when she's going to bed. But now, I'm following her around all the time. I station myself beside her bed so that whenever she moves or get up, I'm all ready to follow.

She managed to take a compromising picture of me while I was sleeping! Gosh. I was making myself comfortable!

She accidentally made some noise and I jumped up. Totally scared the hell out of me.

It was so embrassing being caught on flim in THAT position. I make it a point to curl up the right way to sleep now.

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Amber-Mae said...

You look skinnier nowadays Chinook. Exercising too much? Hehehe! Wow! I think that picture of you exposing your "ex-po-se" is a little bit too much for some ladies...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Lorenza said...

Hi, Chinook!
That is an x-rated picture of you!
Glad your mom is back!
Kisses and hugs