Tuesday, November 13, 2007

.::. Pictures of me! .::.

12th November' 2007

Joey sent mummy pictures of me as promised! Joey was telling mummy that she didn't need to come all the way to take pictures of me, and promised to send her pictures of me. But I like mummy to come visit me.

Joey took pictures of me when I wasn't looking, even when I was sleeping! I hope I still looked handsome in my sleep.

See, I still look handsome when I'm soundly asleep. I'm tired after playing with that toy. *yawns. Mummy better get me some toys else I'll be so bored. Which puppy doesn't like toys right?

I'm handsome at all angles!

Why am I being tickled? I know I've a funny expression when being tickled! Don't capture that on flim! *grrrrr


Boo Casanova said...

chinnook, i see you linked me! you are one pretty daschund if u ask me. u mean u r not home yet? not big enuff to go home yet?

wet wet licks


Chinook said...

hi boo!

i can only be home 14 days after my injection. i'm big and strong, but they make me stay for awhile more 'just in case'.

do link me too! =)